Weiße Schräge mit lila Balken

Infor­ma­ti­on duties accor­ding to art. 13 GDPR

We her­eby wish to inform you com­pre­hen­si­ve­ly about the pro­ces­sing of your data in our com­pa­ny and the data pro­tec­tion claims and rights to which you are entit­led within the mea­ning of Art. 13 of the Euro­pean Gene­ral Data Pro­tec­tion Regu­la­ti­on (GDPR).

1.Who is respon­si­ble for data pro­ces­sing and whom can you contact?

Respon­si­ble for:

FUCHS Euro­po­les Wind GmbH

Euro­po­les-Stra­ße 1 · 92318 Neumarkt
Tel.: +49 9181 896–0
E‑Mail: wind@fuchs-soehne.de
Ust.-IdNr.: DE 361 796 024
Han­dels­re­gis­ter: Amts­ge­richt Nürn­berg HRB 41895
Geschäfts­füh­rer: Con­rad Fuchs, Tobi­as Fersch, Jür­gen Joos
Inhalt­lich Ver­ant­wort­li­cher gemäß § 55 Abs. 2 RStV: Con­rad Fuchs

The com­pa­ny data pro­tec­tion offi­cer is:

Tho­mas Wanjura
Pro­jekt 29 GmbH & Co. KG
Osten­gas­se 14
93047 Regensburg
Tel.: +49 (0) 941 2986930

2. What data is pro­ces­sed and from which sources does this data originate?

We pro­cess the data that we have recei­ved from you in the cour­se of initia­ting or pro­ces­sing a con­tract, on the basis of con­sent or in the cour­se of your appli­ca­ti­on to us or in the cour­se of your employ­ment with us.

Per­so­nal data includes:

Your master/contact data, for cus­to­mers this includes e.g. first and last name, address, cont­act data (e‑mail address, tele­pho­ne num­ber, fax), bank data.

For appli­cants and employees, this includes e.g. first and last name, address, cont­act data (e‑mail address, tele­pho­ne num­ber, fax), date of birth, data from cur­ri­cu­lum vitae and refe­ren­ces, bank data, reli­gious affi­lia­ti­on, photographs.

In the case of busi­ness part­ners, this includes, for exam­p­le, the name of their legal repre­sen­ta­ti­ve, com­pa­ny, com­mer­cial regis­ter num­ber, VAT num­ber, com­pa­ny num­ber, address, cont­act per­son cont­act data (e‑mail address, tele­pho­ne num­ber, fax), bank data.

For visi­tors to our com­pa­ny, this includes name and signature.

For jour­na­lists, this includes first and last name, e‑mail address, fax number.

For par­ti­ci­pan­ts in com­pe­ti­ti­ons, this includes first name, sur­na­me and e‑mail address.

In addi­ti­on, we also pro­cess the fol­lo­wing other per­so­nal data:

  • Infor­ma­ti­on on the natu­re and con­tent of con­tract data, order data, tur­no­ver and receipt data, cus­to­mer and sup­pli­er histo­ry and con­sul­ta­ti­on documents,
  • adver­ti­sing and sales data,
  • infor­ma­ti­on from your elec­tro­nic dealings with us (e.g. IP address, log-in data),
  • other data that we have recei­ved from you in the cour­se of our busi­ness rela­ti­onship (e.g. in cus­to­mer meetings),
  • data that we gene­ra­te our­sel­ves from mas­ter / cont­act data and other data, e.g. by means of cus­to­mer demand and cus­to­mer poten­ti­al analyses,
  • docu­men­ta­ti­on of your decla­ra­ti­on of con­sent to recei­ve e.g. newsletters.
  • Pho­to­graphs within the scope of events.

3. For what pur­po­ses and on what legal basis is the data processed?

We pro­cess your data in accordance with the pro­vi­si­ons of the Gene­ral Data Pro­tec­tion Regu­la­ti­on (DS-GVO) and the Fede­ral Data Pro­tec­tion Act 2018 as amended:

  • for the ful­film­ent of (pre-)contractual obli­ga­ti­ons (Art 6 para. 1lit.b DS-GVO): Your data is pro­ces­sed for the pur­po­se of pro­ces­sing con­tracts online or in one of our bran­ches, for the pur­po­se of pro­ces­sing con­tracts for your employees in our com­pa­ny. In par­ti­cu­lar, the data is pro­ces­sed when initia­ting busi­ness and exe­cu­ting con­tracts with you.
  • for the ful­film­ent of legal obli­ga­ti­ons (Art 6 para. 1 lit.c DS-GVO): Pro­ces­sing of your data is neces­sa­ry for the pur­po­se of ful­fil­ling various legal obli­ga­ti­ons, e.g. from the Ger­man Com­mer­cial Code or the Ger­man Fis­cal Code.
  • for the pro­tec­tion of legi­ti­ma­te inte­rests (Art 6 para. 1 lit.f DS-GVO): Based on a balan­cing of inte­rests, data pro­ces­sing may be car­ri­ed out bey­ond the actu­al ful­film­ent of the con­tract in order to safe­guard the legi­ti­ma­te inte­rests of us or third par­ties. Data pro­ces­sing for the pro­tec­tion of legi­ti­ma­te inte­rests occurs, for exam­p­le, in the fol­lo­wing cases: 
    • Adver­ti­sing or mar­ke­ting (see No. 4),
    • Mea­su­res for busi­ness manage­ment and fur­ther deve­lo­p­ment of ser­vices and products;
    • main­tai­ning a group-wide cus­to­mer data­ba­se to impro­ve cus­to­mer service
    • in the con­text of legal proceedings
    • sen­ding non-sales pro­mo­tio­nal infor­ma­ti­on and press releases.
  • within the scope of your con­sent (Art 6 para. 1lit.a DSGVO): If you have given us con­sent to pro­cess your data, e.g. to send you our news­let­ter, publish pho­tos, com­pe­ti­ti­ons, etc.

4. Pro­ces­sing of per­so­nal data for adver­ti­sing purposes

You can object to the use of your per­so­nal data for adver­ti­sing pur­po­ses at any time, eit­her in who­le or for indi­vi­du­al mea­su­res, wit­hout incur­ring any cos­ts other than the trans­mis­si­on cos­ts accor­ding to the basic rates.

We are entit­led, under the legal con­di­ti­ons of § 7 para. 3 UWG (Ger­man Unfair Com­pe­ti­ti­on Act), to use the e‑mail address you pro­vi­ded when con­clu­ding the con­tract for direct adver­ti­sing for our own simi­lar goods or ser­vices. You will recei­ve the­se pro­duct recom­men­da­ti­ons from us regard­less of whe­ther you have sub­scri­bed to a newsletter.

If you do not wish to recei­ve such recom­men­da­ti­ons by e‑mail from us, you can object to the use of your address for this pur­po­se at any time wit­hout incur­ring any cos­ts other than the trans­mis­si­on cos­ts accor­ding to the basic rates. A mes­sa­ge in text form is suf­fi­ci­ent for this pur­po­se. Of cour­se, an unsub­scri­be link is always included in every e‑mail.

5. Who recei­ves my data?

If we use a ser­vice pro­vi­der in the sen­se of com­mis­sio­ned pro­ces­sing, we still remain respon­si­ble for the pro­tec­tion of your data. All com­mis­sio­ned pro­ces­sors are con­trac­tual­ly obli­ged to tre­at your data con­fi­den­ti­al­ly and to pro­cess it only in the con­text of pro­vi­ding the ser­vice. The pro­ces­sors we com­mis­si­on recei­ve your data inso­far as they requi­re the data to ful­fil their respec­ti­ve ser­vice. The­se are, for exam­p­le, IT ser­vice pro­vi­ders that we requi­re for the ope­ra­ti­on and secu­ri­ty of our IT sys­tem as well as adver­ti­sing and address publishers for our own adver­ti­sing campaigns.

Your data is pro­ces­sed in our cus­to­mer data­ba­se. The cus­to­mer data­ba­se sup­ports the enhance­ment of the data qua­li­ty of the exis­ting cus­to­mer data (dupli­ca­te clea­ning, moved/deceased indi­ca­tors, address cor­rec­tion), and enables the enrich­ment with data from public sources.

This data is made available to the Group com­pa­nies if neces­sa­ry for the pro­ces­sing of con­tracts. Cus­to­mer data is stored sepa­ra­te­ly for each com­pa­ny, with our parent com­pa­ny acting as a ser­vice pro­vi­der for the indi­vi­du­al par­ti­ci­pa­ting companies.

In the event of a legal obli­ga­ti­on and in the con­text of legal pro­se­cu­ti­on, aut­ho­ri­ties and courts as well as exter­nal audi­tors may be reci­pi­ents of your data.

In addi­ti­on, insu­rance com­pa­nies, banks, cre­dit agen­ci­es and ser­vice pro­vi­ders may be reci­pi­ents of your data for the pur­po­se of initia­ting and ful­fil­ling contracts.

6. How long will my data be stored?

We pro­cess your data until the end of the busi­ness rela­ti­onship or until the expiry of the appli­ca­ble sta­tu­to­ry reten­ti­on peri­ods (e.g. from the Ger­man Com­mer­cial Code, the Ger­man Fis­cal Code, or the Ger­man Working Hours Act); in addi­ti­on, until the end of any legal dis­pu­tes in which the data is requi­red as evidence.

7. Will per­so­nal data be trans­fer­red to a third country?

In prin­ci­ple, we do not trans­fer any data to a third coun­try. A trans­fer takes place in indi­vi­du­al cases only on the basis of an ade­quacy decis­i­on of the Euro­pean Com­mis­si­on, stan­dard con­trac­tu­al clau­ses, appro­pria­te gua­ran­tees or your express consent.

8. What data pro­tec­tion rights do I have?

You have a right to infor­ma­ti­on, cor­rec­tion, dele­ti­on or rest­ric­tion of the pro­ces­sing of your stored data at any time, a right to object to the pro­ces­sing as well as a right to data por­ta­bi­li­ty and to lodge a com­plaint in accordance with the requi­re­ments of data pro­tec­tion law.

Right to information:

You can request infor­ma­ti­on from us as to whe­ther and to what ext­ent we pro­cess your data.

Right to rectification:

If we pro­cess your data that is incom­ple­te or incor­rect, you can request that we cor­rect or com­ple­te it at any time.

Right to erasure:

You may request that we era­se your data if we are pro­ces­sing it unlawful­ly or if the pro­ces­sing dis­pro­por­tio­na­te­ly inter­fe­res with your legi­ti­ma­te inte­rests in pro­tec­tion. Plea­se note that the­re may be reasons that pre­vent imme­dia­te dele­ti­on, e.g. in the case of legal­ly regu­la­ted reten­ti­on obligations.

Irre­spec­ti­ve of the exer­cise of your right to dele­ti­on, we will dele­te your data imme­dia­te­ly and com­ple­te­ly, inso­far as the­re is no legal or sta­tu­to­ry obli­ga­ti­on to retain data in this respect.

Right to rest­ric­tion of processing:

You may request us to rest­rict the pro­ces­sing of your data if

  • you dis­pu­te the accu­ra­cy of the data for a peri­od of time that allows us to veri­fy the accu­ra­cy of the data.
  • the pro­ces­sing of the data is unlawful, but you object to era­su­re and request rest­ric­tion of data use instead,
  • we no lon­ger need the data for the inten­ded pur­po­se, but you still need this data to assert or defend legal claims, or
  • you have objec­ted to the pro­ces­sing of the data.

Right to data portability:

You may request that we pro­vi­de you with the data you have pro­vi­ded to us in a struc­tu­red, com­mon­ly used and machi­ne-rea­da­ble for­mat and that you may trans­fer this data to ano­ther con­trol­ler wit­hout hin­drance from us, pro­vi­ded that

  • we pro­cess this data on the basis of a revo­ca­ble con­sent given by you or for the per­for­mance of a con­tract bet­ween us, and
  • this pro­ces­sing is car­ri­ed out with the aid of auto­ma­ted procedures.

If tech­ni­cal­ly fea­si­ble, you may request us to trans­fer your data direct­ly to ano­ther controller.

Right of objection:

If we pro­cess your data for legi­ti­ma­te inte­rest, you may object to this data pro­ces­sing at any time; this would also app­ly to pro­fil­ing based on the­se pro­vi­si­ons. We will then no lon­ger pro­cess your data unless we can demons­tra­te com­pel­ling legi­ti­ma­te grounds for the pro­ces­sing which over­ri­de your inte­rests, rights and free­doms, or the pro­ces­sing is for the asser­ti­on, exer­cise or defence of legal claims. You may object to the pro­ces­sing of your data for the pur­po­se of direct mar­ke­ting at any time wit­hout giving reasons.

Right of complaint:

If you are of the opi­ni­on that we vio­la­te Ger­man or Euro­pean data pro­tec­tion law when pro­ces­sing your data, plea­se cont­act us so that we can cla­ri­fy any ques­ti­ons. Of cour­se, you also have the right to cont­act the super­vi­so­ry aut­ho­ri­ty respon­si­ble for you, the respec­ti­ve sta­te office for data pro­tec­tion supervision.

If you wish to assert any of the afo­re­men­tio­ned rights against us, plea­se cont­act our data pro­tec­tion offi­cer. In case of doubt, we may request addi­tio­nal infor­ma­ti­on to con­firm your identity.

9. Am i obli­ged to pro­vi­de data?

The pro­ces­sing of your data is neces­sa­ry for the con­clu­si­on or ful­film­ent of the con­tract you have ente­red into with us. If you do not pro­vi­de us with this data, we will usual­ly have to refu­se to con­clude the con­tract or will no lon­ger be able to per­form an exis­ting con­tract and con­se­quent­ly have to ter­mi­na­te it. Howe­ver, you are not obli­ged to give your con­sent to data pro­ces­sing with regard to data that is not rele­vant to the per­for­mance of the con­tract or that is not requi­red by law.

Sta­tus Sep­tem­ber 2024