Weiße Schräge mit lila Balken

tower tech­no­lo­gy.


The sup­port­ing struc­tu­re.

Based on norms and stan­dards of the wind industry.

We gua­ran­tee a fast and relia­ble con­nec­tion to the steel tower using L‑flange con­nec­tion points on the tran­si­ti­on piece

We decou­ple stress fields in the tran­si­ti­on area by opti­mal­ly uti­li­zing the mate­ri­al pro­per­ties of steel and con­cre­te in terms of com­pres­si­on, ten­si­on and ductility.

We pro­du­ce seg­men­ted con­cre­te rings with high pre­cis­i­on, effi­ci­en­cy and cost-effec­ti­ve­ness.

We build a sta­ble foun­da­ti­on with a solid end ancho­ra­ge sys­tem for ten­dons in opti­mum dimen­si­ons and with mini­mal impact on the landscape.

Top tech­no­lo­gy? Stan­dard.

We com­bi­ne stan­dar­diza­ti­on with inno­va­ti­on. A high level of tech­no­lo­gy is not a sales argu­ment for us, but the stan­dard for our pro­duct. From the deve­lo­p­ment of advan­ced con­cre­te tech­no­lo­gy to the use of sta­te-of-the-art pro­duc­tion tech­no­lo­gy, all com­pon­ents of our tower con­cept are desi­gned to meet the requi­re­ments of modern turbines.

Fur­ther­mo­re, all ele­ments and com­pon­ents are within the tech­no­lo­gi­cal­ly fea­si­ble and vali­data­ble ran­ge. We deli­ver a future-pro­of hybrid tower – plan­ned, vali­da­ted and pro­du­ced to the hig­hest tech­no­lo­gi­cal standards.

Validierung vom Windmast durch Geschäftsführer Jürgen Joos

360 degree validation

In order to meet the safe­ty and qua­li­ty requi­re­ments for modern tower sys­tems for wind tur­bi­nes, the FUCHS.Hybridtower is exten­si­ve­ly tes­ted for func­tion­a­li­ty, sta­bi­li­ty and ser­vice life in a 360-degree vali­da­ti­on. Throug­hout the deve­lo­p­ment pro­cess of the new tower sys­tem, expe­ri­en­ced FÜCHSE and wind indus­try experts work­ed clo­se­ly with exter­nal engi­neers to joint­ly deve­lop a robust and sus­tainable sup­port struc­tu­re. The sys­tem is cer­ti­fied by an accre­di­ted test­ing institute.

In addi­ti­on, we sub­ject the FUCHS.Hybridtower to exten­si­ve appli­ca­ti­on test­ing and ensu­re the per­for­mance of all tower com­pon­ents. Thanks to an inde­pen­dent spe­cia­list insti­tu­te and the inte­gra­ti­on of a modern mea­su­ring sys­tem, we can pre­cis­e­ly vali­da­te the beha­viour of the tower under load. This ensu­res that our tower sys­tem remains sta­ble in the field even after 25 years.

Drei Ringsegmente stehen nebeneinander in Reihe

Modu­lar and scalable

The FUCHS.Hybridtower offers the advan­ta­ges of stan­dar­di­zed pro­duc­tion, but its modu­lar design also enables cus­to­mer-spe­ci­fic adapt­a­ti­on in terms of height and geo­me­try – ali­gned to tur­bi­ne and coun­try-spe­ci­fic frame para­me­ters. In this way, we ensu­re that the tower sys­tem can be manu­fac­tu­red to suit dif­fe­rent applications.

By incre­asing pro­duc­tion capa­bi­li­ties for hybrid towers, we are estab­li­shing a cru­cial sup­p­ly chain in the heart of Bava­ria, faci­li­ta­ting the growth of wind ener­gy in Ger­ma­ny wit­hout reli­ance on exter­nal sources or poten­ti­al bottlenecks.

The pur­ple
tower sup­pli­er.

As a new manu­fac­tu­rer of hybrid towers, we are respon­ding to the requi­re­ments of today and tomor­row. We deli­ver a valid design and tech­no­lo­gy, expand the neces­sa­ry capa­ci­ty on the mar­ket and offer a sys­tem with site- and tur­bi­ne-spe­ci­fic appli­ca­ti­on capability.

Valid con­s­truc­tion and tech­no­lo­gy2024–09-23T09:23:44+02:00

Sophisti­ca­ted and exten­si­ve­ly tes­ted: From deve­lo­p­ment to mar­ket rea­di­ness, the FUCHS.Hybridtowerhas under­go­ne and pas­sed all the neces­sa­ry exten­si­ve tests for sta­bi­li­ty and func­tionali­ty of the sup­port struc­tu­re. With the results of a 360-degree vali­da­ti­on by inter­nal and exter­nal experts as well as inde­pen­dent test­ing insti­tu­tes, we can gua­ran­tee that the FUCHS.Hybridtower meets all tur­­bi­­ne-spe­ci­­fic requi­re­ments. Fur­ther­mo­re, we sub­ject the key tower com­pon­ents to exten­si­ve appli­ca­ti­on tests, ensu­ring that our sys­tem is not only of the hig­hest qua­li­ty and sta­bi­li­ty, but also meets the most deman­ding stan­dards. 

Expan­si­on of capa­ci­ty2024–09-23T09:25:08+02:00

The expan­si­on tar­gets in Ger­ma­ny are high and the con­s­truc­tion of wind farms is picking up speed. More than 70 % of all appr­ovals are now being rea­lised on hybrid towers. This is a strong endor­se­ment of the sys­tem, par­ti­cu­lar­ly in rela­ti­on to high hub heights and modern tur­bi­ne clas­ses. We are dedi­ca­ted to expan­ding the sup­p­ly chain for hybrid towers in Ger­ma­ny and Euro­pe to ensu­re the con­tin­ued seam­less expan­si­on of wind ener­gy. In this way, we are hel­ping to ensu­re that the­re are no supply bot­t­len­ecks in the future. Our first pro­duc­tion faci­li­ty in Neu­markt i.d.OPf. repres­ents a signi­fi­cant mile­stone for us in 2024. 

Modu­lar and stan­dar­di­zed pro­duc­tion2024–09-23T09:25:35+02:00

The basis of our pro­duc­tion con­cept is the high-pre­cis­­i­on and modu­lar produc­tion of con­cre­te seg­ments. We meet the requi­re­ments for qua­li­ty and accu­ra­cy with our stan­dar­di­zed high-pre­cise form­work. The modu­lar struc­tu­re of the pro­duc­tion allows for cus­­to­­mer-spe­ci­­fic adjus­t­ments to the height of the tower, ali­gned to tur­bi­ne and site-spe­ci­­fic frame para­me­ters. This ensu­res that our tower sys­tem meets the mar­ket-spe­ci­­fic requi­re­ments for qua­li­ty, appli­ca­bi­li­ty and cost-effectiveness.

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