We dri­ve the
wind of chan­ge.


FUCHS.Hybridtower –
Sta­ble. Future-pro­of.

With our tower sys­tem, we meet the requi­re­ments of today and tomor­row. We sup­p­ly a load-bea­ring struc­tu­re that has been careful­ly deve­lo­ped, pro­du­ced to a high stan­dard and inten­si­ve­ly vali­da­ted to meet all tech­ni­cal and eco­no­mic requi­re­ments – the FUCHS.Hybridtower.

Vali­da­ted tower technology

The FUCHS.Hybridtower repres­ents a signi­fi­cant advance­ment in tower design, buil­ding on the pre­vious­ly known sta­te of the art. In the cri­ti­cal and chal­len­ging are­as of the tower sys­tem, such as the tran­si­ti­on pie­ce, it offers con­cre­te impro­ve­ments with signi­fi­cant added value.  

To meet the safe­ty and qua­li­ty stan­dards for modern tower sys­tems for wind tur­bi­nes, the FUCHS.Hybridtower under­goes com­pre­hen­si­ve test­ing for func­tion­a­li­ty, sta­bi­li­ty, and ser­vice life in a 360-degree vali­da­ti­on. This ensu­res that our tower sys­tem will remain sta­ble in the field after 25 years.  

We deli­ver a future-pro­of hybrid tower – stan­dar­di­zed and exten­si­ve­ly vali­da­ted. 

A signi­fi­cant step for­ward in the ener­gy tran­si­ti­on 

Our objec­ti­ve is to ensu­re that 100% green ener­gy is used to power the future. The estab­lish­ment of FUCHS Euro­po­les Wind GmbH repre­sen­ted a signi­fi­cant mile­stone in this regard. Our objec­ti­ve is to pro­vi­de tech­no­lo­gi­cal solu­ti­ons that faci­li­ta­te the eco­no­mic expan­si­on of rene­wa­ble ener­gies in Ger­ma­ny, Euro­pe and world­wi­de. Wind ener­gy is a cen­tral focus for us.  

We belie­ve that wind ener­gy is the most cost-effec­ti­ve and effi­ci­ent form of ener­gy gene­ra­ti­on. We will deve­lop, pro­du­ce and assem­ble the key com­pon­ents requi­red to acce­le­ra­te the ener­gy tran­si­ti­on, and we will do so in a fast, cost-effec­ti­ve and glo­bal sca­le. We pur­sue this goal with rigour and pas­si­on. 

We build on sustainability.

The­re are many poten­ti­al start­ing points for sha­ping a sus­tainable future. 

As a com­pa­ny, it is our respon­si­bi­li­ty to take the neces­sa­ry steps towards a sus­tainable future through our actions, our influence and our cul­tu­re. 

We the­r­e­fo­re want to focus expli­cit­ly on tho­se topics whe­re we can achie­ve the grea­test pos­si­ble impact. 

We’­re loo­king for peo­p­le with convictions

We would like to invi­te you to beco­me an acti­ve sup­port­er of our efforts to advan­ce the ener­gy tran­si­ti­on. Our com­pa­ny was estab­lished in mid-2023 with the goal of deve­lo­ping an inno­va­ti­ve tower sys­tem for wind tur­bi­nes. This sys­tem is desi­gned to acce­le­ra­te the expan­si­on of rene­wa­ble ener­gies. With the sup­port of a strong fami­ly-run group of com­pa­nies, in which over 1,700 FUCHS employees are working nati­on­wi­de on deve­lo­ping solu­ti­ons for a bet­ter tomor­row, the FUCHS.Wind team is working inten­si­ve­ly on imple­men­ting our visi­on. 

Our cor­po­ra­te cul­tu­re is based on coope­ra­ti­on, app­re­cia­ti­on and trust. We work tog­e­ther as equ­als and sup­port each other. To streng­then our dedi­ca­ted team, we look for­ward to your sup­port in the various tasks rela­ted to the FUCHS.Hybridtower.